Member-only story
Why I’m Quitting Medium
Warning: Title Contains Clickbait
We live in a world where we are consumed by instant and immediate satisfaction. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others and thinking, if they can do it, I know I can.
Don’t even pretend like you don’t do that. We all do it.
I continue reading articles by writers sharing how much money they make on Medium, and I’m over here wondering why I have only made .68 cents this month. Honestly, I find those articles to be inspiring and will read every single one that pops up in my feed.
The reason I have made .68 cents so far this month is that I have only been writing on this platform consistently for 2 weeks. I only started monetizing a week ago. I remind myself that if I want this, I have to persevere and keep writing because it will not happen overnight. I guarantee those who have found success on Medium did not find it overnight, and I am sure they felt significant doubt at times.
We all want things to happen overnight. We want success to happen overnight. But success is not linear, nor is true and fulfilling success something that happens overnight. These things take time, and anything worth having is worth working hard for and waiting for.